Saturday, 11 April 2015

Siemens S7-300 Hardware Configure

Siemens S7-300 Hardware Configure.

 This chapter describe about how to Configure Hardware in Simatic Manager.

Step 1: Create new project in Simatic Manager Step7 5.5 with proper name and path. Create S7 logic & hardware configuration.(for more see in hardware configuration chapter)

Step 2:  Insert s7-300 Station.

Check Hardware is Enble And open Hardware Window .

Hardware window is open.

Step 3: Select Proper Rack From Catlog, and drag & drop it in HARDWARE .

Step 4:Select PLC from Catlog same as you have.

Insert it in rack slot no 2
slot 1 if reserve for power supply.

Select View :It will display the PLC Property,check and cheng as you requiered.

Selection communication protocol as you have.

Step 5:Add input and output in rack.

Addressing the I/O card

Step:6 save and compile.

Hardware configuration done.
Check your project.

Thanks all of you .


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